Unclear messaging costing your business $$$?


Fast-track your organization to success with a brand sprint

This intensive session will help you:

✓ Unify your team behind a clear brand mission
✓ Connect with your core purpose and values 
✓ Craft messaging that resonates with your ideal audience

Is your message getting lost in the noise?

Confusing communication can cost you valuable leads, frustrated customers, and missed opportunities for growth. At [Your Company Name], we help businesses like yours craft clear, concise, and compelling messaging that resonates with your target audience and drives results.

Our 1.5-day brand sprint is is designed to:

  • Uncover brand clarity: We’ll help you identify your core values, mission, and unique selling proposition.
  • Align your team: Break down silos and ensure everyone is on the same page about your messaging.
  • Develop a strategic framework: Craft a clear and actionable messaging strategy that guides all your communication efforts.
  • Translate strategy into tactics: Learn how to implement your messaging across all channels, from your website to social media to marketing materials.

Walk away with:

  • A crystal-clear message that resonates with your audience.
  • Actionable steps to implement your messaging strategy.
  • A more aligned and engaged team.

Ready to stop missing opportunities?


📝 Intake Assesment:
Through a thorough intake form, stakeholder interviews and review of available data, we’ll dive deep into your goals, vision, and needs. We’ll lay the foundation by understanding your goals and challenges. 

🔍  Brand Audit: I’ll examine your current assets, providing a report of your brand’s strengths and areas for improvement. This will set the stage for our strategy session.


📆 Live Strategy Session:
We’ll meet on Zoom and collab to craft a roadmap for your brand/biz in a focused, interactive, daylong session. We’ll develop a foundational strategy that adapts to your evolving vision.


📆 Live Strategy Session:
We’ll meet on Zoom and collab to craft a roadmap for your brand/biz in a focused, interactive, daylong session. We’ll develop a foundational strategy that adapts to your evolving vision.

👩🏻‍💻 Design/Strategy async Session:
I’ll roll up my sleeves and create assets to help you reach your goals.

You’ll choose from ONE from options like social media content calendars, Canva templates, website strategy, and more. (to be decided during our live strategy session)


🚀 Final Live Strategy Session:
We’ll hop on one last time to review the plan and assets created. You’ll have guidance for pratical application.

You’ll have the confidence in using the tools moving forward, maximizing the impact of your new resources. By the end of our time together, you’ll have the clarity, plans, and systems to help you sustainably reach your goals.


Brand Sprints for Organizations start at $4,700

Next steps:

  1. Let’s hop a call and see if we’re a good fit to work together.
  2. I’ll create a custom proposal for your organization
  3. If all looks good we’ll pick a date and get going right away!